For Halloween this year we had a house full. Aaron & Camile and their girls, Ken & Gina, Brigham and Emma, Steph & Bryant, and Mom & Dad all came to celebrate, eat and go trick-or-treating. We started out with some yummy soups, cornbread and witches brew. After our tummies were full we got the kids ready for trick-or-treating. Sophie was going to be a giraffe until she saw Carly's pretty pink witches costume. She started bawling and wanted Carly's hat (no nap played into the costume envy tantrum). So I scrambled to find some of Kali's old dress up costumes and Sophie was happy being a princess with a pointed hat. Conner was an injured soccer player and Kali was a cheerleader that fell off the top of a pyramid. Ellie and Sophie lasted about 20 minutes outside (it was raining lightly). The rest of them stayed out about an hour. We had some pumpkin cake and played Apples to Apples for awhile and then it was time to hit the hay. (we had a temple sealing appointment at 7 am)
On Saturday, I had a neat experience with my family. My Grandma Johnson who passed away last year was a convert and wasn't sealed to her parents. So yesterday, we went to the temple and my parents knelt across the alter proxy for my dad's grandparents and I knelt in for my Grandma. I know my Grandma was celebrating and I am so glad I got to play a roll in such a wonderful ordinance.
Then we went to my nephew Brigham's Super Bowl game. It was at Pleasant Grove H.S. and his team won. It was a close, exciting game! Conner had his first indoor soccer game. They lost by a point but he made a goal and had a good time. He was excited there was so much family there to watch.