Sunday, October 16, 2011

Better late than never!

So it's been about a year and a half since I've posted. Yikes! I feel over whelmed every time I think about starting up again. It's not like I blogged very much since I had baby #4 and it seems like I slowed way down once he came along. As a result of my long absence to blogging, I had a hard time remembering how to change my header and I forgot how to change my background color... but one thing at a time.

So last November, my friend, Cecily, ( ) from the days back in the Village (Ogden, Weber State) came to the American Fork Amphitheater (by the Mount Timpanogus Temple) and took our family pictures for us. With those photo's I made the collage (the one in the header) and ordered a big canvas from Costco. I ordered it for Jimmy for his birthday (it was more of a present for me though, :) & I have it hanging in the entry hallway.

Just tonight, I was inspired to do a project with the Family Proclamation to the World with a family picture in the background. I did this for a Christmas gift for Ken & Gina and their family a couple years ago with their family picture.

My brother, Ken, took the picture I used at my cousin, Andera's, wedding last year. My sunglasses were on the top of my head for all the pictures. Woops!) After I take down our Halloween owl art above the couch, I'm going to hang it there. It's going to be a 16x20 print in a matted frame. Here's a peek of the jpeg.

With both of these projects I used the program Memory Mixer 3. Whenever I want to do a digital project, that's my go to. It's user friendly and although it's limited in what I can do, I just don't have the time or patience right now to learn photoshop. (it's on my list of to-do's though)

Both these projects have reminded me it's time to get new family pictures taken. This year, my friend Steph ( ) from Lehi is going to be taking our family pictures. She took our family pictures in 2005, when we only had 2 kiddos! This year, I taught her two girls cheer for the summer for a photo shoot trade. I keep telling myself I need to loose 10 lbs before we do it but it's getting colder and the kids are getting older!!


The Lowe Fam said...

Beautiful collage of the family, Anch! You seriously are so talented! Love it!

Cherish said...

Welcome back to the "blogging world" my friend! I LOVE what you have done. You are so talented and have such great ideas.