Monday, December 17, 2007

Party Time

I wanted to Post some pictures from the Christmas/Birthday party last night. We got there and Ken had fixed his delicious curry. It was so tasty. A few minutes after we got there, my vision started to go spotty. It was weird. It reminded me of when I had an inner ear infection in high school. Shortly after that I started to get a head ache. I took some Advil and then I started to feel like throwing up and by now my head was pounding. I've never had a migraine before (thank goodness) but now I can say I know what it feels like to have one! I feel terrible for people who get those all the time. I spent most of the party down in Brigham's and Brandon's bedroom in the dark. I ended up throwing up 5 times last night and when we got home Jimmy googled about migraines. He brought me up some Ibuprofen, a huge glass of water, a cold washcloth for my forehead and massages my head (pretty hard) and that was the trick that helped me finally fall asleep. I feel 75% better today but I feel worn out and my head still hurts. Jimmy cleared up his morning schedule and got the kids fed and off to school. Thanks Jimmy for being so great and taking care of me so well!

So I feel like I missed Sophie's party. I did watch her open her presents. She got a doll from Steph that sings, a doll from Ken & Gina's family that looks like Sophie. We gave her the Nemo Color Wonder book and a busy ball popper toy. She is having fun playing with them all today. (while I write this it is keeping her busy) I also stayed upstairs for the gift exchange. It was fun; I just wished I didn't feel so awful. Steph gave Ken a Mormon version of Mad Gab and they played that after I went downstairs.

Steph and Jimmy took lots of pictures for me. Thanks to them I have some cute pictures to post.


Sheree said...

I love her polka dot cake! That is so cute. And I am sorry about your migraine--I've only had a couple bad ones, and I seriously have never been in so much pain! I agree, I feel sorry for those who get them often.

Camile said...

You're so good at making me feel homesick!!! (But, I'll be home in 5 days!) I'm glad that you post pictures and keep me updated. You guys have so much fun. that's sad that you got a migraine during the party. I've never had one before - I hope I never have to know what it's like. Sophie is such a cutie! Happy Birthday to her! Love you!

Lacey said...

I'm so sorry about the migraine. I've had 3 in the past two weeks. If I catch them early on I'll just make myself go to sleep, but if not...well not fun. I started having mine after a car accident and normally have 2 or 3 a month. The hardest thing is the next day when you feel like you've had the stomach flu the day before. What a sweet husband! I hope you don't have anymore. I'm also sorry that you missed most of Sophie's party.