Thursday, January 8, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Yesterday was Jimmy's birthday. He went to some early appointments in the morning and then had lunch & saw a movie with his brothers. When he got home I put Sophie down for a nap (that she ended up not taking) and I left to do some last minute birthday shopping. It was so nice not having Sophie with me. On the way home, I picked up some Panda Express and a couple shakes from Arctic Circle. It's a real treat to get those two- especially on the same day! So after dinner we put a candle in one of the shakes and sang Happy Birthday! Then I divided the shakes into waffle cones (another treat) for the kids and Jimmy and I just ate out of the cups. We even have some left over shake for tonight. This weekend, Jimmy and I will go out without the kids and celebrate some more. (we try and stretch birthday's out around here) Last year, Camile tagged me and I didn't get around to doing it but now seems like a great time to catch up.

What's his name? James Scott Atkin
How long have you been together? 7 months before we got married and married for 11 years & 5 months
How old is he? 35
Who eats more? Jimmy
Who said "I love you" first? probably Jimmy but I'm not sure- that's what a journal would be good for
Who is taller? he's got me by 7 inches
Who sings better? he does
Who is smarter? depends on the subject
Whose temper is worse? His
Who does the laundry? I usually wash (unless I get behind then Jimmy will) and then separate but usually everyone puts away their own (besides Sophie)
Who does the dishes? Mostly me and Jimmy sweeps
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I just switched so I'm closer to our bathroom now
Who pays the bills? Jimmy
Who mows the lawn? Jimmy
Who cooks dinner? Me and I enjoy it, Jimmy cooks great Mac & Cheese, scrabbled eggs & cookies
Who drives when you are together? Jimmy
Whose parents do you see the most? lately his, his grandma has been sick so they have been visiting a lot more
Who kissed whom first? we met halfway, he leaned in first though
Who asked whom out? Brandon (a mutual friend) asked me out for him- he just stood in the background and I didn't know I would be going out with Jimmy until Brandon said he was going to ask my friend out
Who proposed? Jimmy
Who has more friends? Jimmy- he seems to know people wherever we go
Who is more sensitive? Me but Jimmy is sensitive too
Who has more siblings? we both have 5 (6 kids total in our families)
Who wears the pants in the family? We each have a leg in
Where did you meet each other? Ricks College Library
What was the first thing you said to your husband? After I realized it was him who wanted to go out, I had to explain how my friend Hillary was coming to town from Utah State and how it wouldn't be a good night. However, he found a friend for Hillary to go out with so we went out anyway.
Where was your first date? Legends Restaurant, bowling and then went to his apartment to watch a movie (I think it was House Guest)
Where was your first kiss? At his apartment (not on the first date though- that came about a month later)
Where did you get engaged? Outside the gate at Temple Square
Where were you married? Idaho Falls Temple
How was the honeymoon? Quick- we stayed in Idaho Falls the first night and then went to Jackson Hole for a night and then back to our apartment in Rexburg so Jimmy could start football camp

I tag whoever wants to do this~
(Sophie took the below picture) Her new thing is wanting to take pictures of everything! I have all these pictures of her toys, of our furniture, the carpet, and just today she took some pictures of Jimmy and I. This one actually turned out cute. There is another one of me sitting and she just got my belly, crotch and legs. I won't be posting that one!
Happy Birthday, Jimmy! You get better every year!


anjie said...

cute couple. happy birthday, jimmy!

Yes, that is my project room. The project night kind of sizzled through December. I hope to get it going again soon!

Jess said...

Happy Birthday Jimmy- That is a fun tag. Cute picture of the two of you!!

Camile said...

Happy Birthday Jimmy!

I can't believe you guys have been married over 11 years...Holy Cow!!

I also didn't know that Jimmy proposed at Temple Square (or else I forgot). You'll have to tell me that story.

Why aren't you going to post the picture of your belly and crotch for the whole blogging world to see?! I bet it's cute :) You should make a scrapbook page of some of the pictures that Sophie has taken. I let Carly and Ellie help me make their own digital pages the other day (I just gave them a few options for background, stickers, frames, pictures, etc.) - they had a lot of fun and so did I.

Kar said...

It's fun to get to know him a little bit better, and to learn about how you met.