Jimmy and I were both blessed with wonderful mothers. Here are some words we thought of to discribe them. Mom(s), we hope you both enjoy your day and thanks for all the love you give us, the time you spent teaching us about the gospel and the examples you are for us and our kids. We both have great memories of our Mom's and wish we lived closer so we could spend some time with you today!
M- Makes the best pies, rolls & bread
O- Organized
T- Testimony
H- Hard worker
E- Enjoys spending time with family
R- Raised 6 kids!
M- Makes life fun
O- Owl (a night one)
T- Tennis player (a great one)
H- Heart of gold
E- Enjoys family gatherings
R- Raised 6 kids!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Posted by
7:19 AM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Snakes, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails......
That's what my little girl is made of. On Saturday, Kali was playing with a lizard all day and on Monday the kids caught a snake. She definitely has her girly side; she likes to get her nails painted, play with stuffed animals, dress up, dance and play girly things with her girlfriends. Then there is the side to her that likes to play with the boys; she gets muddy, she gets sweaty, she catches mice, lizards and snakes, runs in the fields and make forts with the boys. When we first moved here we were the only ones in our circle and as the houses filled in so did the boys. We finally got some girls in the circle but it didn't stop her from hangin' out with the boys. I'm glad she gets along with everyone and doesn't let gender keep her from being friends. When she gets to be a teenager, I hope these boys all look out for her like she's their own sister.
On Sunday, we got together with Ken (my brother) & Gina their kids and Steph (my sister) and Matt (her fiance). We had dinner and a birthday truffle for Gina and her daughter Emma. I am so glad we have some family here in Utah to hang out with. We sometimes go weeks without seeing each other and it's always fun to catch up. I found out last week that my younger sister, Camile and her little family will be moving here the end of the month. We are so excited to have them live close. Sophie has been the little one all this time when we have get togethers and when Camile moves here she'll have Carly (3) and Ellie (2) to hang out with.

Posted by
10:01 AM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Welcome May!
Well, May greeted us with snow a few days ago. Thankfully, if has warmed up a bit since then. We are looking forward to when the nice weather will be here to stay. Does that ever really happen though?

Posted by
8:51 AM