Speaking of teeth, I was talking to my sister Camile last week about my reoccurring nightmares I have about my teeth. I get them about every 3 months and never go longer than 6 months without getting one. They are all different but they all have something to do with something bad happening to my teeth. I just had one last week and in it I had one giant buck tooth in the front of my mouth. It was like my two front teeth combined and doubled in size. Sometimes my teeth will all fall out in them and other times they will just be crazy crooked and discolored. My teeth are one thing about me that I have liked ever since I got my braces off in 10th grade. No matter what my weight is or how my hair looks; I like my teeth. So I think I have a fear of losing the one thing that I can count on to enjoy when I look in the mirror. I am grateful for my parents forking out the money to fix my teeth when I was younger. I'm glad I have a permanent retainer so that hopefully my teeth will stay straight and my nightmares will never come true.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tangled Teeth
Speaking of teeth, I was talking to my sister Camile last week about my reoccurring nightmares I have about my teeth. I get them about every 3 months and never go longer than 6 months without getting one. They are all different but they all have something to do with something bad happening to my teeth. I just had one last week and in it I had one giant buck tooth in the front of my mouth. It was like my two front teeth combined and doubled in size. Sometimes my teeth will all fall out in them and other times they will just be crazy crooked and discolored. My teeth are one thing about me that I have liked ever since I got my braces off in 10th grade. No matter what my weight is or how my hair looks; I like my teeth. So I think I have a fear of losing the one thing that I can count on to enjoy when I look in the mirror. I am grateful for my parents forking out the money to fix my teeth when I was younger. I'm glad I have a permanent retainer so that hopefully my teeth will stay straight and my nightmares will never come true.
Posted by
6:42 PM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Splish Splash- Sophie didn't get many baths!

Posted by
8:08 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Toilet Paper Pumpkin Trio
Posted by
7:17 AM
Monday, September 22, 2008
UFO (unidentified floating object)
Last night, Jimmy was pouring a glass of milk to eat with his pumpkin bar. The gallon of milk was getting close to being gone and that's when he spotted it. A paper towel had been stuffed inside the milk carton. This isn't Sophie first offence of putting something inside the milk. I don't know how she does it with out anyone seeing her. Last week, as I was pouring the last of the milk a little sticker came out. So now I am off to the store to get some more milk- but that didn't stop me from giving the kids some napkin milk with their cereal this morning.
Posted by
9:04 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Going on a "Train"-chugga, chugga, choo, choo!

Posted by
9:18 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Taking Care of Daddy
Yesterday Jimmy was working in his office and Sophie came in for a quick visit. She looked down at his feet and saw a two toe size hole in his black sock. She pointed at it and said "Luuke, luuke" (look, look!) Then she disappeared and came back about ten minutes later with a clean black replacement sock.
Jimmy told me this story a few hours after it happened and the pieces suddenly came together. Earlier in the day, I walked into the front room and the contents of the laundry basket I had sitting there was spread all over the room. Usually Sophie doesn't touch the laundry baskets but she had a mission and she worked hard to find her daddy a sock that matched and didn't have a hole.
She is at such a fun age right now. The end of last week I started potty training her and she looks so adorable in her little panties. She has Dora and My Little Pony ones. You other mom's know what I'm talking about when I say how cute our little ones bums look when they first start wearing underwear. She's only had one "bad" accident and those panties got tossed and she quickly got a bath. Other than that she seems to be getting the hang of it. She has a little sticker chart and she loves to put the stickers on once she goes.
We've been going on walks every morning and she is doing so well at being content while we go. She used last about 10 minutes before she wanted out but now she's letting me get in a good workout without any complaints. Now that the weather is cooling off we are stopping at the park after and playing for awhile. (anyone in the neighborhood who wants to come- we get to the park about 10:30, the one across from the school)
Posted by
8:08 AM