Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Here's some pictures of our Friday night activities. Steph and Matt came and watched the kids so we could go out. When Steph has kids I am going to owe her big time!


Jennifer said...

Hey Angela!
your blog is so cute. your kids are adorable too! I got a good bruise on my arm but that is it. I wish I could have stayed longer with the rest of you. For sure let's plan another Adventure Date...How about a Rock Climbing Gym? I'd love to see Nate on a rock wall. He'd just have to take one reach with his big long arms and he'd be at the the top! It was great meeting you guys.

Lacey said...

I'm so glad that you could make it!! It was so fun! Jimmy was a warrior...I've got bruises to prove it!! Let's plan the next group date!