Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Enjoying the Warm Weather- while it lasts!

Last week, I met my friends Kara and Laura from High School and we hit a couple classes at BYU education week. It was so fun and I learned some new things. We went to a Marriage Class (What Happily Married Couples Actually Do) and The Art of Contentment. Kara is pregnant with her second baby, a boy this time and Laura just had her 4th! It is so fun to hang out with these girls that have known me since elementary school and Jr. High. We always have a great time and I'm glad our hubby's watch the kids so we can get away for an evening once and awhile. We'll have to do it again next year!

Over the weekend we went camping and boating at Pine View (up Ogden Canyon). It was so pretty and the weather was great! Our friends, the Hansens, that we went with just got a 5th Wheel and it is so nice. We were camping in style. Although tents are fun- so are beds and a bathroom. Pine View is the first lake we have been to this summer that has a nice sandy beach. So the kids loved digging and playing in the sand. Besides having some car trouble (with our brand new car) we had a great time. (the cars in shop and I have a rental without a DVD player- how will I get by....)

Yesterday for FHE we met at the Legacy Center Swimming pool for Carly and Steph's birthdays. We swam, had pizza and opened some presents. Carly is turning 4 soon and she didn't know what to do with herself getting so many things. It was so cute! At the end of the pool party the wind picked up and has been blowing ever since. Is the nice weather coming to an end?


Stephanie A Fisher said...

Looks like a fun place to boat! We should go up there again. The movie was fun today, we're so glad you are our neighbors, and friends!

Kar said...

Aw, Kara and Laura! Kara is pregnant with her second already?? Wow!! And Laura has four. Dang. It's fun to see them! Tell them hello for me next time you see them!