Saturday, January 17, 2009

All made up!

The title of this post is two fold. Yesterday, I went and got my hair done. I wanted a change. I was sick of my roots growing out and feeling like I always had to get an appointment to get it done again or just living with my brown roots. So I took the plunge and got it dyed as close to my natural color as possible. I'm sure it's not exactly the same as my natural but probably pretty close. She also put in a few auburn highlights to add some dimension (the picture doesn't really show that though) So I am still getting used to it. It feels so-o dark to me but I am hoping it grows on me and just feels natural soon. Here's a pic of the new doo.

The other half of the post is Sophie's make-up adventure. While Jimmy and I went out last night, Sophie found my make-up. This could have turned out a lot worse than it did. Thankfully it just ended up on her face and not all over the walls, floor, sink, ect. She was so proud of her lips when we got home. I just had to laugh! It was the 12 hour lipstick that doesn't come off easily so this morning she woke up and her lips were just as bright as ever. I had to take a baby wipe to them and it seemed to help. Her lips are back to normal for the most part. (notice her shirt in the bottom picture- 99% angel. It must have been the 1% non-angel that got into my make-up!)


Sheree said...

You look great with darker hair! It would be nice to not have to worry about the color growing out.

Sophie is such a cutie! I love the puckering picture! That is one that needs a little Valentine's Day frame.

Ryan and Ashley said...

she's so cute, she did a pretty good job staying in the lines. Your hair looks really good its not too dark at all.

Camile said...

Seriously, I LOVE your hair. I almost thought I was looking at a picture of myself. Speaking of which - a girl in my ward today asked me if I had a sister named Angela. She went to high school with you - Jocelyn (can't remember maiden name) - she said that she saw you on facebook and that we totally look alike. COOL!!!

I love the puckering picture of Sophie - she did a really good job! (I agree with Sheree - you definitely need a cute V-Day frame to go with that pic.)

anjie said...

Love the new hair color. You look great. Sophie looks great!

Janel Ruzzi said...

I think your hair looks great! I am glad the make-up adventure with Sophie wasn't any worse!

Kar said...

I love the fixation little girls have about makeup. Sadie begs me to do it almost daily. She looks hilarious with those dark lips. And your hair looks great. I used to highlight my hair in college, and I was getting sick of the roots issue, too, so I went back to my normal color. So much cheaper and easier.

Kimberly Davis said...

Love your new hair - I've felt your pain. The picture with Sophie's lips is darling!

Hey some friends of our just moved to saratoga spings - Turley is their last name, and she just had a baby boy this week! There from IF-maybe you know them?

The Lowe Fam said...

I love your hair. I think you look great as a brunette. I recently did the same thing and what a relief to not have to worry about roots. Sophie is so cute! And congrats on finding out you're having a baby boy! That's so cool! We miss you guys!