Sunday, May 17, 2009

Little Spectator

When my mom was here, she was changing Scotty's diaper and just as she was finishing up- he peed. Sophie was standing there watching and it went straight into her mouth. What a surprise! I haven't seen her watching any more diaper changes since then.

When I was little, I used to like to watch my mom change my little brother, Ryan's, diapers. Once when he had a poopy, I sat there and gagged and then threw up on him. At least Sophie didn't throw up on Scotty!Conner and Kali sure love to hold Scotty. They have a hard time letting him sleep without picking him up. He 's loved.
Grandpa and Scotty were good at putting each other to sleep. He loves to be held. Nanny Nette and Grandpa posing- I think a little one took this picture! We are sure going to miss them helping out! They left on Sat. after staying for the week. Tomorrow it's back to reality and time to really adjust to having 4!! This is going to be a SNAP! (read Dina's blog post to understand that one-


Cecily R said...

Looks to me like EVERYONE loves to hold Scotty!!! And how could you not? He's beautiful!

Janel Ruzzi said...

Poor Sophie! I wouldn't want to watch anymore diaper changes if I were her. I'm sure you'll be a great mom of four! I liked your friend's blog, very good! Attitude does make a big difference.

Kar said...

He's so stinkin' cute! I can't believe he peed in Sophie's mouth! Hahahaha! That made me giggle. Oh, it's so hard when the hubs goes back to work and the help all goes home. Good luck. That's the hardest part for me.

Camile said...

We have the best parents, don't we?!

I loved the diaper changing stories!