Thursday, December 22, 2011

E is for Energetic Scotty Loves Cars

Scotty is our little ball of energy. He seems to always be running somewhere. We left him with some good friends, The Lowes, when we went on our family cruise in April. While he was there he discovered CARS! I feel bad that we didn’t figure that out sooner. He was always surrounded by My Little Ponies and Littliest Pet Shops at our house. Now he puts his cars in the Pony houses like a garage and puts the Littliest Pet shop animals in the back of his trucks and makes lots of car noises as he plays. Vroom, vroom!

He likes to play tackle with Conner. He backs up until he bumps into something and then runs full speed at Conner & then Conner topples over with Scotty.

He also loves to sing! He knows lots of songs and loves to sing/yell to whoever will listen. He enjoys going to nursery at church and we recently started a playgroup with 4 other boys that live in the houses right by ours. He's learned all of Sophie's Let's Play Music songs and so I'm hoping he'll want to do piano too in a couple years.

He likes electronics. He enjoys borrowing Conner’s Ipod &our IPad and playing Traffic Rush and Angry Birds.

He loves playing outside. He would be out there all day if there was someone to always watch him. We got him a deal on a used mini electric 4 wheeler and he loves to ride that around with two of his little buddies who also have them.

He wants to be big like the other kids. He won’t sit in his highchair anymore and we got a crib net for his crib to keep him in . Before we got that, he would get out of his crib and play at 2 in the morning. I am thankful for that crib net!

He loves chocolate, reading books and he’s a really good talker!